The Phrygian mode
The Phrygian mode is quite different from most other modes in a number of ways. Take a look at the Mixolydian mode for example. It contains a major 3rd and also, extracting notes 1, 3, 5 and 7, it forms the dominant 7 chord which has a strong relationship with this mode.
For this exercise we are in the key of Ab major. The Mixolydian mode is built on step 5 of the scale.
How the Mixolydian mode differs from the Phrygian mode
So here’s the Eb Mixolydian mode.

How the Dorian mode differs from the Phrygian mode
And now take a look at the Bb Dorian mode. This is built on step 2 of the major scale.

Notice how in the two examples above notes 1, 3, 5 and 7 form the chord associated with its mode.
The Phrygian mode
The Phrygian mode is built on step 3 of the major scale. Step 3 of the Ab major scale is the note C so here is how it looks.

Although this mode still contains steps 4, 5 and 7, notice that it does not contain a 3. And, even more strangely, the second note is a flat 2!
Left hand voicings for C Phrygian
Here are some Phrygian voicings you can try for yourself.

And here is my Youtube video all about the Phrygian mode.
The Spanish version
The Spanish Phrygian adds the major 3rd. Here’s the Spanish Phrygian mode in C.

And finally, click here for my online video course.