Category: articles for learn jazz piano
This is the place to read lots of articles written by Paul Abrahams that relate to your jazz practice and how to improve your jazz solos.
Substituting chords in jazz part 2
Substituting chords in jazz is a great way to extend your harmonic vocabulary when soloing or harmonising a tune. In a previous blog I gave you examples of some basic ways to swap one chord or set of chords for another. Here in part 2 I cover some more advanced approaches. Substituting chords for the… Read more »
Learning jazz piano my way
I have called this article ‘learning jazz piano my way’ as it combines how I came to learn jazz piano myself and how I teach it. My beginnings I was born and brought up in West Ham, London. Although my parents were not in favour of my taking up music professionally they nevertheless sent me… Read more »
Intros and outros
In this article called intros and outros I am focusing on a subject that is often overlooked when playing a tune: how to start and end a tune. Intros and outros: intros Let’s imagine that you are accompanying a singer or instrumentalist about to sing or play the melody. The most obvious way for the… Read more »
Chord substitution
In this article we will explore chord substitution. This phrase is exactly as it sounds: we replace one chord with another. This will result in increased harmonic options that will enhance your solos. Chord substitution: major to minor and minor to major Let’s begin with a very easy chord substitution. Take a major 7 chord,… Read more »
Easy steps to learning jazz piano part 5
Here is the fifth episode in this series of easy steps to learning jazz piano In episode 1 we looked at the relationship between two notes: the 5 (dominant) and the 1 (tonic). The second step in episode 2 was to convert these two notes into chords: the dominant 7 chord leading to the tonic… Read more »
Easy steps to learning jazz piano episode 4
Here is episode 4 of easy steps to learning jazz piano. In episode 1 our first step was to find the notes V that lead to I, dominant leading to tonic, tension to release. This interval, up a perfect 4th or down a perfect 5th is the backbone of most Western music. The graphic below… Read more »
Easy steps to learn jazz piano episode 3
Here is episode 3 of easy steps to learn jazz piano. In episode 1 our first step was to find the notes V that lead to I, dominant leading to tonic, tension to release. This interval, up a perfect 4th or down a perfect 5th is the backbone of most Western music. The graphic below… Read more »
The second easy step to learn jazz piano
The second easy step to learn jazz piano is turning the notes into chords. We began with 2 notes, the V leading to the 1. Our second step is to turn these 2 notes into chords. Here is a short video to explain this second easy step to learn jazz piano. Our first chord will… Read more »
The first easy step to learn jazz piano
Step 1: identify the notes V and I. Here are some easy steps to learn jazz piano. For those of you who follow my online jazz piano video course or come to me as private students you will know that I’m always emphasising the importance of V (5) moving to I – the dominant moving… Read more »
How to learn jazz piano, part 2
In part 2 of how to learn jazz piano I am reflecting on how I started to learn and continue to learn to play and have an understanding of jazz piano. In part 1 I looked at the path that I took and how it helped me. Here’s a quick recap. Learn to read music,… Read more »