Month: January 2023
Easy steps to learning jazz piano episode 4
Here is episode 4 of easy steps to learning jazz piano. In episode 1 our first step was to find the notes V that lead to I, dominant leading to tonic, tension to release. This interval, up a perfect 4th or down a perfect 5th is the backbone of most Western music. The graphic below… Read more »
Easy steps to learn jazz piano episode 3
Here is episode 3 of easy steps to learn jazz piano. In episode 1 our first step was to find the notes V that lead to I, dominant leading to tonic, tension to release. This interval, up a perfect 4th or down a perfect 5th is the backbone of most Western music. The graphic below… Read more »
The second easy step to learn jazz piano
The second easy step to learn jazz piano is turning the notes into chords. We began with 2 notes, the V leading to the 1. Our second step is to turn these 2 notes into chords. Here is a short video to explain this second easy step to learn jazz piano. Our first chord will… Read more »
The first easy step to learn jazz piano
Step 1: identify the notes V and I. Here are some easy steps to learn jazz piano. For those of you who follow my online jazz piano video course or come to me as private students you will know that I’m always emphasising the importance of V (5) moving to I – the dominant moving… Read more »